Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday

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So many of us are experiencing financial hardships right now. I know many women who have been laid off or their spouse has been laid off. It is a scary transition going from the knowledge that your bills can be paid on time to threats of foreclosure, homes selling, moving, no health insurance, etc…

I too experienced this last year. The verse that God always revealed to me was Matthew 6:26. It is so very true. God’s love for us as His children is incomprehensible; that is the beautiful thing about it. We could never measure nor understand it completely.

Because He loves us so, He will take care of us. Let go of control, pray for the fear of the unknown to be released, and allow God to work and move in this situation for you. He will provide a way!


Join other women of Christ for Word Filled Wednesday over at Internet Cafe Devotions


  1. How sweet of you to "comfort as you have been comforted" and to encourage too! Smiles!

  2. Praise God He brought you through Rachel! Great promise to stand on.

    Blessings to you~

  3. i am SO grateful that God cares for His children...great is His faithfulness to supply all our needs!!!


  4. I know this post will minister to many people. So glad the Spirit prompted you to share this scripture and message. God bless you.
