Wednesday, January 18, 2012

But Today....

A Year Ago Today:

I was sobbing uncontrollably.

I experienced one of the worst days of my life.

I surprisingly confided in someone I just met who saw my hurt and reached out to me.

I was filled with pain, anxiety, frustration and fear.

But Today:

I am smiling and peaceful.

I am stronger.

I am thankful for the new friend in my life that turned into a true friend.

I am learning to let those comments people make about me that are untrue roll off my back a little easier.

There were no tears and the sun was shining on me and inside of me.

We all have seasons in our life. They can be seasons of darkness and pain or of light and laughter. I am thankful that God’s promises always remain true no matter what season of our life we are in...

He will never leave nor forsake us…( Hebrews 13:5)

We will be delivered if we lean on Him ..(Psalm 91:14)

Rachel W. Clark