We should not gravitate towards what WE find comfortable in our relationship with Christ. God’s word does not change, has not changed and will not change. His promises and consequences remain true throughout our time on earth. Yes, God is a loving God but He is also a jealous God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The same God who hated all sin still hates all sin. We must not get too comfortable that we conform to a “religion” that highlights what we want to believe and shadows what we don’t want to face as truth.
I pray I never become too comfortable in my relationship with God that:
I stop growing
I slowly become like the world
I focus on the churchy aspect of Christianity
I forget to share the consequences of a life lived without a true relationship with Christ as I witness
I pray I never become too comfortable in my relationship with God that:
I expect to receive and not give
I get caught up in the drive and not the focus
I make it about me and not about Him
I wont be challenged to go farther and deeper
I start to compare my walk with Him to other believers walk
I am afraid that we pick and choose bible verses to read, share and use as a witness that make us feel safe politically and socially. Ones that won’t offend. As Christians we are called to warn unbelievers of the consequences of living a life separate from God. And we are to hold accountable our brothers and sisters in Christ if we see they are conforming to a misleading philosophy.
Be careful not to let anyone rob you of this faith through a shallow and misleading philosophy. Such a person follows human traditions and the world’s way of doing things rather than following Christ. Colossians 2:8 (God’s Word Translation)
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